
How to Block BackgroundTaskHost.exe from access internet with Windows Firewall .

  • Run the following commands in Command Prompt as Administrator.
    Run Cmd as Admin

  • You can disable windows 10 edition easily with Window Advance Firewall with just one command:

    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block BackgroundTaskHost.exe" dir=out action=block program="%SystemRoot%\System32\backgroundTaskHost.exe" enable=yes protocol=TCP

  • Re-able it:

      netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="Block BackgroundTaskHost.exe" new enable=no

    • Block it again.
      netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="Block BackgroundTaskHost.exe" new enable=yes

  • You can also change and double check the settings in GUI with "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" Program.
    Win10 Firewall Screen